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Author, Editor, Coach, Naturelover, Sage Woman

Website content copyright 2024 by Valerie Harms

(New personal publishing and online courses.  See Events)


Email me or call to set up a free, introductory chat about any creative project or situation. Fees are based on an hourly rate. I take payment by PayPal.

I take a minimalist approach to working with people--being there when needed, but not encouraging dependencies. So, it's on an as-needed basis and costs are not prohibitive.

The options in self-publishing have become much more beneficial to authors. I have produced dozens of books for people. My speciial genres are memoir and nonfiction. Here are the topics I get asked about most. What are your needs?

- query letters
- book proposals for fiction and nonfiction
- selecting agents & publishers
- Creating a "platform" & using social media
- Self-publishing & traditional publishers

- Distribution to stores and online options

- Marketing strategies

EDITING SERVICES...hourly rate
- proofreading & making editorial comments
I have years of experience editing memoirs, novels, academic papers, articles in all styles. I know the adult and children's markets.

My experience includes:
* Ten books with such publishers as Putnam, Random House, Atheneum, W.W. Norton, Shambhala. Stories and articles have appeared in such magazines as Harper’s, Ms., Book Forum, New Age, and Camera 35. I have made many radio and television appearances.
* My imprint has published 25 books and received a national science award, grant from the NEA, been the subject of a PBS film documentary, and included in The Best of the Small Presses.

* Working for National Audubon Society as a science editor.
*Instructing for 20 years at the Long Ridge Institute on writing stories and articles for adults and children

*Editing for Pacifica Graduate Institute and many other clients
*Editing Distinctly Montana magazine for 15 years.

I'd like the honor to work with you. In the initial half-hour I'll answer your questions, and we can discuss your needs, concerns, and budget.