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Contents copyright 2024 by Valerie Harms

Special offer in soul writing

Special offer for 4 sessions of instruction in soul writing -- $125.00. Involves depth psychology techniques, Jungian-oriented exercises in relationships, work, and health issues. If you are unsure what to do next, here is your chance to find your true path based on your own inner resources. Based on my forthcoming book, Your Soul at a Crossroads.
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Secret Self

One key to the qualities you'd like to add to your personality is the identity of your secret self. If you fantasize and free associate about your secret self, you'd playfully come up with more than one option, I'll bet. Psychological jargon speaks of "the shadow". Because it may be dark, we think that it must be bad. But no, the dark side of our selves contain possibilities and longings we've never acknowledged. So, bring your secret self out of the darkness into the ordinary daylight. Read More 
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The Underground Stream theme

This year I will be offering courses in nature, writing, and psychology. Other words that describe what I want to offer are: ecoliteracy, soul journeys, web of life, nurturance, kinship, fields of light, waters of life, deep writing whether fiction or non.
As Stanley Kunitz says in a poem, "We are partners in this land/co-signers of a covenant.

Let me know if this resonates with you... Read More 
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Archive for Research in Archetypal Psychology

This site has superlative images of myths and symbols of all cultures throughout history. You can view the images in person at the C.G. Jung libraries in New York City and Los Angeles. You can also subscribe to view the collection online. For a smattering see the journal at info@aras.org
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